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When business is done beautifully, it can change the world!
When business is done beautifully, it can change the world!
Powerful does not mean difficult
Never overlook the power of simplicity
Doing a common thing uncommonly well, brings success
Simple, yet effective

the adventure awaits you

Powerful does not mean difficult
Never overlook the power of simplicity
Doing a common thing uncommonly well brings success
Simple, yet effective

the adventure awaits you

RemoteNet MIS Overview

Being the flagship of our software products, our SETA/MIS (Management Information System) is truly unique. It encompasses the macro and micro coverage of all SETA requirements and integrates business processes (not only internally through incorporating all divisions, but also externally by automating processes) thus addressing the needs of the various stakeholders involved.

It is (and will always be) our primary objective to development, supply and maintain a fit-for-purpose MIS that caters for the areas that impact directly on the future and existence of a SETA.

Key to our success has been:

  1. Making our clients part of the development process.
  2. Respecting and acknowledging our competitors.
  3. Ascertaining the business understanding in which our clients operate and only then applying our business specialist skills in not simply providing a functional business application, but we also get involved with processes and assist with developing policies and procedures.
  4. Supporting our clients by advising them on legislative requirements and criteria.
  5. Our motto is: “If the MIS does not yet cover it, we develop it.”

RemoteNet welcomes you to Clarity 4.0

A true SMME solution for the SETA Landscape

SMME = Seta Management Made Easy

Click on the connected dots below to see its integrated architecture

Occupational qualification
Mandatory grants
Load shedding
Occupational qualification
Mandatory grants
Load shedding
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